Saturday, January 19, 2019

Summer 2018 Remix

fan whirs, the cat purrs
as i stir, awakening
to a bowl of oats

The day begins for the small crew of the Airship SS Catalina. A steam powered vessel lifted by a hydrogen balloon, propelled forward by a large whirling fan positioned on the back. A routine trade route voyage delivering foodstuffs to the land across the sea. Halfway though the journey, the engineer shovels coal into the machine that provides the ship's power and propulsion. He slaps the side of the Engine " Listen to her purr, We are making great time". Further up deck, the captain sits sleeping at the wheel. A sudden gust takes hold of the airship tilting it sideways, causing part of ships contents to fall to the turbulent seas below. The vessel continues to shift. The captain awakens, turning the wheel correcting the ships angle, preventing sure disaster. The Crew assembles together on deck to assess the damage. With concern the engineer yells to the captain, "We lost most of our coal sir, we wont have enough to reach our destination". The captain recalls the grains they are transporting, secured below the ship. "We are to use the oats as fuel to complete this day's journey".

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